¿Algo en especial?

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

How to choose your first traveling backpack?

Hey there Backpackers! Are you going to leave on a travel?
How should you choose yout first backpack?

Well, it seems a simple enough question, but, choosing a backpack can become a tedious job and find the balance between price and convenience can become a real headache.

Now , this post will not give you the ideal Backpack for you, as this is more one own decision, since each must choose between capacity, size , price and brand but I can give you some advices you could Watch.
So what steps have to follow to choose correctly?

Remember, your backpack is almost the principal thing on your trip and this will bring your groceries and necessities. In addition, as a traveler, you will walk a lot , so this should be comfortable and not hurt if you carry loaded for long.

So, then we go with the first point !

When you decide to be backpacker or traveler it is understood that all you 'll need is in your backpack and then grows the importance of choosing the capacity, measured in liters , that this has .

This does not mean shalt bring the whole house in the backpack , so you should see the primary and only what is necessary for your trip . The rest will come in the way.

I personally use one of 70 liters and me worked very well , considering that i measure 1.70 and this is more or less my height.

For a man, one of 70 or 80 liters would not bad, and for a woman , one of 50 or 60 liters fit perfectly .

DO NOT overload the backpack!

Come on, if the backpack has a capacity marked by something must be . Do not overload as this will affect the backpack, which in the worst case may  break it, it also directly affected your back and may you take away the desire to travel.


You fits. Far from what we could hear about whether loaded is different than empty , it has to fit in with your physiognomy , we directly talking about your hips and back .

Ideally, the backpack is directly above your hips , not half your tail, so the lower belt may be on your hips and not on the waist. This will help to distributing weight to your legs and giving a break to the back. This never hurts .

The details. this is actually a very important factor .
Belts, material and shape of distribution are of great importance when traveling for example : the epaulets .

What if these be very thin and unpadded ?

Remember that, you will carry  considerable weight and if you dont have comfortable support you will end with a severed shoulder , ok maybe that's not happen, but yes wounded and painfull .
So, the epaulets must be cushioned, padded, resilient and comfortable in the neck area .

Belts : In its entirety, must be easy to fit and not have to take off your backpack to adjust something. obligatorily should have the chest strap , as this helps to distribute the weight .
 They have to be sliding and padded in the case of the lumbar or lower belt.

Closures : Double closure forced , so if one fails the other will save you , besides that provide ease in packing or put a lock and give security, indispensable on your journey.

Back : The back or part to your back has to be padded , with belt height adjustment to regulate the load and if you may need ventilation system (very common in new backpacks )

Frame : It must be internal . This gives stability to the backpack and the ability to distribute the weight . The carbon fiber frame is commonly used and is a huge help to carry the weight of the backpack all day . Do not buy one if it does not have a frame.

Material: Must be of good material. Recalls that in the trip will spend many things to your backpack, and be abused in many places ( poor :( ... ) so it need be strong and of good material .

Waterproof : This is an important factor because, unless you will go to a place where no rain ,at all, this will need to be waterproof . This tends to raise the price. But we have other option , like mine, which are those that come with a rain cover . These are cheaper and work perfectly .

Compartments: It is essential that our backpack can divide sections so we can distribute our luggage. In addition this will allow us to keep things of quick use in a place that does not need to empty the backpack to get them.

As Fourth and last : The Price

Well, we can not clearly say something about this but , first , not buy without comparing prices before
Do not buy the first thing you see and neither the cheaper as it could get out expensive.

An approximate price could range between 120 and $ 200 for a good quality backpack .

So when choosing , review these steps since that backpack will accompany you for long.

In order, to tastes and colors, there are plenty , but as we saw there are certain things that can not be overlooked when buying a travel bag.

I hope this information will help and save in certain doubts that have touched us all .

If you have any experience that you would like to tell us , Leave her in the comments below and do not forget to share this information to infect more people with this traveler spirit and to have a lot of adventures more !
Traveller, until the next delivery and Good routes ! Att Edisson 

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